In my story I am going to have two characters that I am going to model, the first is going to be an old frog, he is going to be the one that blew himself up by thinking he can be as broad as an ox.
My second character is going to be a young frog that thinks he has seen a monster, but it’s only the Farmers ox.
I’m not going to have the farmer in the animation because I feel he not prevent and I’m only going to have an image of the ox like in a cartoon talking bubble.
Materials/ Textures
I am going for a cartoon animation so I am going to get cartoon colours for the two frogs, dark green and red for the inside of their mouths. The eyes are just going to be white with black pupil.
I am going to have a pond for the background for the frogs there are going to be lily pads in the pond, wooden fence panels and tumbled garden stones for the pond and floor.
AudioI have decided not to have the frogs talk but to make frogs sounds and have subtitles at the bottom of the screen and have background sounds.